Ey! I have twitter… why do you think I’m going to use MiniTwitter??

Oh men, another twitter clon!? What are you thinking uhm? xD Just think for a moment. You have a big business, or small, it doesn’t care, and you are in new and good web 2.0 services like facebook groups, twitter, «big brother» google, delicious… think, my busines is out of my hands! oh men, google have my balls taken xD. And then you think, I need my own delicious, my own google calendar, my internal chat, and mail.. and… what?! YOUR OWN INTERNAL TWITTER WEBAPP!!! Twitter is the best think for comunicate without saturate people «chatting» cause you have messenger for that. Then imagine you are the boss (oh my good, like me! xD) and you want all people post «What are they doing» at the moment, and first you think in twitter and implement it. The best thing for boss is seeing at first sight problems, works, etc… them think. But I don’t want twitter knows my things! And I don’t want people too! Yes, twitter have private account but, I don’t like padlocks xD. Then I make my own business twitter for internal status updates, and with all the people who work in the business.

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Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo de Recursos Científicos. Un centro formado por jóvenes andaluces, que intentan funcionar su pasión y profesión, la ciencia, con las nuevas tecnologías. Nos centramos en tres ramas: formación, puesta en valor y TIC.

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